I didn't get enough time to update anything! My weeks were hectic and i know that might sound a little bit cliche, still its never too late to update. Nineteen days back was our second anniversary, i really thought i should just blog anything as a dedication or appreciation but rather so, i made a scrapbook of all my favorite lyrics. Having thought of that, he could reread and feel all of the unspoken words beneath my heart, what i thought of him and of course to remind my love towards him.
We didnt actually bought ourselves cakes, tukar hadiah ke apa cause that might be too mainstream. we went out, beli groceries sama-sama. I had soooooooo much fun though and he's certainly a gentleman and it was really cute having to think that dia tolong pegangkan bakul while i was busy placing down all the items needed masa beli groceries haritu hihi hihi *malu*
4/2/2012 wasnt a declaration date or such. It was the day when we talked to each other.
Having to remind back of all the obstacles, ups and down, the good and bad had actually taught us many things. i appreciate every moment spent with him, every conversation and our little talks, every ketawa sampai senak perut and all of the tears shed i treasure them all. Thank you awak, for this roller coaster ride kind of friendship.
I hope for the best, for the both of us. i know it's going to be tough the fact that, maybe, we wont be seeing each other next semester, and the fact that, maybe, we wont be graduating sama-sama. It saddens me that you wont be around, making me feel happy when my days are bad. It saddens me that you wont be around, accompanying me and be there for me when i'm absolutely screwed up.
Tapi kan awak, regardless of what ought to come i still gonna wait for you. I will always faithfully wait for you.
Just please bare in mind that i love you Faisal Hadi, my sayang, my utmost best friend. I love you with all my heart. Words can't even explain how i feel. Most people don't understand us, but we do.
It's been two years now. Lets make it last forever, shall we?

cantikkk <333