Wednesday, March 9


So. Hi!

I dah lama gila tak blog about anything, my last post was a month ago which i update on our 4th anniversary. Still cant get over the fact that me and him has been knowing each other for four freakin years. The longest relationship i pernah go through and we both have gone through a lot seriously. We fight banyak kali, tapi people around me thought that we both tak pernah gaduh langsung pun. Well, maybe we're good at hiding it? Yela, kalau gaduh on social media, sedih 24/7 on twitter nanti mulalah ada orang tepuk tangan.............. huhuhuhu

Sebenarnya i nak cerita benda lain. Tapi takpelah memang dah biasa, dah common sangat buat random post ni. Uh, yeah, since i dah lama tak post kan. Why not i cerita apa yang tengah berlaku sekarang. And since tak ramai yang aktif blogging, then again, why not i cerita sini je so that takde orang kecam haha

Ok first exciting news! Abah nak jumpa faisal before meeting his parents.

Second! Abah decided that we both kahwin on November (insya Allah, doakan tau!)

Third......... semuanya masih lagi dalam perancangan. Lambat atau cepat kita tak tahu sebab yang di atas lagi tahu what will happen in our future so i tawakal & redha (sambil kumpul duit hihi) 

I am the last daughter yang belum kahwin, two of my sisters dah kahwin. My parents agak strict pasal certain things like tak boleh overnight rumah kawan, balik rumah lambat lambat & tak boleh dating berdua dengan faisal. But having thought of it, they werent being strict, thats what parents SHOULD be doing. Guarding their daughters, tak bagi keluar berdua dengan lelaki and stuff like that. If i am a parent, i would be doing the same kind of method to my children. 

I dont get to travel outside melaka, i tak boleh naik kl sendiri without any valid and strong reason. Walhal i satu jenis manusia who likes doing extreme sports, who likes to go for a hike and who likes to travel sebenarnya. But since, i dont have my driver's licence and if i do have one, i still cant go out of melaka. Not that my reason nak kahwin sebab i nak get away from my parents. No. Tapi it would be wonderful if i could travel, jadi backpacker dengan my husband, pergi hiking, buat extreme sports or simply just go out and have fun dengan suami. Seriously kan.... that would be nice. 

Frankly speaking it wasnt because of the 'kahwin awal' trend or i nak show off my husband to all. I nak kahwin sebab i nak redha Allah & i nak hubungan yang baik & hubungan yang boleh bagi pahala berduyun-duyun dengan faisal bukan hubungan seumpama yang sekarang ni. I have sinned too many....... we both have. 

I just hope semuanya baik-baik. 

I pray that semuanya akan jadi baik-baik.

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