Thursday, October 27

Part 2 : Resepsi #adahxfaisal

Venue: Dewan Stadium Hang Jebat
Date: 15 October 2016
Time: 1115 am

"Pakteh bagi kamu masa sampai 12 pm nak bersiap." 
How kelam kabut! Kena get ready dalam tempoh masa yang pakteh bagi, tak cukup masa kot. As we reached Faisal's homestay, jadi lagi kelam kabut bila I kena siapkan suami all by myself. Pakaikan samping, & buatkan bunga on the right side of his pinggang PHEWW THAT WASNT AS EASY AS I THOUGHT! Nasib baik makndam from Mentari Kreatif (our andaman which we rent the baju pengantin from) taught me how to put it on him. I siap rakam video tutorial but still kesian kat suami his samping tak berapa kemas. 

Aqila (MUA) betulkan my eye part and tukar sikit my lip color pastu we realize that time was ticking so fast me and Faisal jadi lagi jadi gelabah gila. Or was it just me? I pakai baju, tudung, veil all by myself and both of us had to drag some time until its 1230 pm. Dalam kereta, pakteh cakap "kalau 1240 tadi kamu tak siap lagi, pakteh dah ketuk pintu dah. Kesian orang nanti tunggu lama"

STRESS WOI. Masa tak cukup langsung as if that day masa bukan berjalan, dia dah pandai berlari! 

We managed to arrive at the dewan dalam pukul 1. Terus masuk dewan and dapat makan, yay! Honestly lauk sedap gila but my corset ketat nak mampuih, I had to eat so little. Sumpah if i didnt pakai corset i makan sampai kenyang. The funny thing was, I punya perut growling all the time not to mention how gassy it was inside my perut to the point I kena tahan kentut the whole day haha k fani sangat kan? hmmm

 Faisal peluk mummy like he didnt want to let go. 

 My girls (housemate)

 Three down, one to go!

 Orang kuat majlis. Thank you mak abah, my family, friends and all! I couldnt thank enough after all that you did just to make this day goes well and smooth.


Outdoor Photoshoot 
Venue: Pantai Puteri
Date: 15 October 2016
Time: 0530 pm 

And that's a wrap! I'll update the third post for my majlis bertandang once I dapat gambar from photographer nanti. My last post nanti I nak share all the tips like baju nikah dari mana, baju resepsi from which andaman and katering so on so forth lah. Korang stay tuned ok! :*

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