Tuesday, April 21

Two months

I have never accomplished anything (not referring to academic) and often i cepat sangat give up bila i tak dapat fast results. After two months of struggling, sweating and having sore muscles, i gotta say i am proud of myself for losing 8kg and this hasnt stop selagi tak achieve 50kg. 

Awal-awal bulan after i started my mission, ada lah juga patah semangat pastu nangis sebab kawan sendiri dah turun berat from 75kg to 62kg dalam masa yang singkat. Mula-mula break down jugak sebab rasa macam pointless lah benda ni, baru turun 3kg macam tak nampak perubahan langsung. Tapi i managed to get myself back on track since i dapat support from my family, Faisal and friends, I started to take things positively bcs dudeeee, youre halfway there weh and you wanna give up??? 

I just hope things will get even better soon.......